Friday, May 28, 2010

TGIF, for real

I have never been so happy that it is Friday in my whole life. After waking up this morning feeling like death, I was unable to take a shower because who wants to take a hot shower when all they want to do is vomit? Not me. So I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, puked up my breakfast,and went to work. (Don't worry, I get off at noon today,so I will take a shower when I get home.) I need this long weekend in the worst way. Lots of sleep and taking it easy are in my immediate future, although I do have some plans for this holiday weekend.

Riverfest starts tonight. If you don't know what that is, it is a festival on the Arkansas River in downtown Little Rock, AR. It's great for live music, funnel cakes, and people watching. I live downtown and within walking distance of the river, so it's almost a requirement that I go. I just hope that I am feeling up to the greasy carnival food.

We also have a cookout at my inlaws on Monday. I hope they don't notice my lack of drinking and the vomiting. Hopefully I feel well enough to enjoy this weekend. Happy Memorial day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


That is how I have been feeling today. I have puked the last three mornings in a row and I have officially decided to bring Pukefest 2010 to the office. But my sister decided to save my life and bring me these:

THEY ARE AWESOME. You should go buy stock in these things, because I am about to buy out every store that carries them. They are saving my life right now.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What I feel like doing at work today


These symptoms are just a part of this wonderful miracle that God has given us and I welcome any and all that this kid throws at me. Having said that, HOLY CRAP I am tired and nauseous and all I want to do is go home. And I have 2 hours and 18 minutes left. But who's counting?

What to eat?

Because the nausea and vomiting have officially arrived, the question of what to eat has arrived with it. Nothing sounds good. And if it does sound appetizing, that thought only lasts about a minute before that same yummy food sounds disgusting. In the last half hour I have gone from wanting a smoothie to wanting a peanut butter sandwich, to anything with mayonnaise on it (which is weird because I don't normally like mayonnaise), to a bagel with cream cheese, to a garden burger. I REALLY want a garden burger. This one to be exact. (from Backyard Burger)

But, ::gasp:: they don't make it anymore! And now I must have it. But give me a few minutes and I am sure it will sound as equally disgusting as that peanut butter sandwich now does. And I am still left with this question: What to eat?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Morning to me!

I woke up this morning feeling like I have been hit by a truck. A pregnancy truck. I had trouble drying my hair between all of the vomiting. What a lovely way to start the day :)I am feeling a little bit better and I think the saltines are helping. The crazy thing is that not two weeks ago I said to my best friend, "I would welcome morning sickness because it would be a signal to me that everything is ok." So in a way, I asked for this. Silly me. But to be honest, I welcome every symptom this baby can throw at me. I am just so thankful to be pregnant.

Friday, May 21, 2010

6 week update

I was going to do a belly/bloat pic, but honestly there isn't much to show right now. Maybe next week. But here is an update:

How far along? 6 weeks 1 day
Weight gain/loss: TBD
Maternity clothes? None yet, although my good friend has a pile of clothes to give me :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? So much sleep. I used to have insomnia, so this is actually nice.
Best moment this week? Getting past "the day" of my miscarriage
Food cravings: chocolate chip cookies. I saw on on tv last night and HAD TO HAVE IT
Gender: No clue.
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Nope
What I miss? Wine. And Diet Coke how I have missed thee.
What I'm looking forward to: My first appointment at 8 weeks four days
Weekly wisdom: I will not fear the worst. I will pray for a perfect, healthy baby.
Milestones: The nausea is kicking in.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I would like to AW my husband for a minute.

He just graduated from law school with high honors and I couldn't be more proud of him. I am so grateful for how hard he has worked and will continue to work for the three of us :)

It's official. I'm a fatty.

I am sitting at my desk with my pants unbuttoned. An attractive choice, I know. I am only 6 weeks and in denial that I need a Bella Band or something to help make the bloat more comfortable. ::Sigh:: I guess it's time to go to the maternity store before my boss comes in here and thinks I am a weirdo.

Six week symptoms:
-boob pain like you wouldn't believe. They are huge, full, sore and I occasionally feel like someone is stabbing me in the right boob with a knife. Ouch.

-constipation. I doubt you need me to elaborate on that one.

-insane amounts of gas. It is becoming a problem at work.

-starting to feel nauseous and gaggy at the sight of anything slightly unpleasant.

-I am eating everything in sight like it is my job.

That's it for now.I am thinking about posting a 6 week belly pic. Scratch that, a 6 week bloat pic.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beta Numbers

So my betas came back very good! At 15dpo my hcg was 310 and at 19dpo it was 1924! That is more than six times the amount in four days! It has eased my mind a bit, although I am of course still anxious because of my loss in January. My progesterone was at 18.7 and I am taking prometrium just to be safe. I pray everyday thanking God for this perfect, healthy, baby that is growing inside of me :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I've been MIA, but good things ar happening :)

So last Friday on May 7, 2010 I went out to lunch with an old college friend of mine. We sat on the patio at Cheers and had a good time reminiscing and catching up. She was in the middle of a story when I realized how bad I had to pee! But I didn't want to interrupt her, so I held it. When she was done with the story she said she had to go, so I decided to wait until I got home to go the the bathroom (this story is going somewhere, I promise.) I rushed home to find Ben painting the outside of the house and I jumped out of the car and blew past him yelling, "I really have to pee!" I ran upstairs and on a whim, decided to take a test. I was only 12dpo and it was the middle of the day, but I thought, why the hell not? It will probably be negative, but it's early so it won't really bother me. So I took the test. And there staring back at me was the faintest second line you have ever seen. And it was beautiful. I started shaking and crying and I showed it to Ben and he said, "Good. I knew it." Well I'm glad he knew it because I had spent the last several days bawling my eyes out over what I thought was another failed cycle. But I was wrong :) I took another test the next day to confirm and there was a wonderfully dark second line. So here we go again. Wish me luck :)