Monday, August 24, 2009

Reflections on CD1

Reasons why CD1 doesn't suck:

1. The 2WW is over. It is torture for me.

2. I can have sushi.

3. Beer. Wine. Margaritas.

4. I might get another tattoo in the next couple of weeks.

5. SEC football starts in less than 2 weeks and I can tailgate with some beer.

6. My new attitude towards TTC. Aggressive and optimistic.

7. I get to "try" with my husband all over again :)

AF is here

So AF showed up yesterday. Around 4 days earlier than normal. I was more upset than I thought I was going to be. But onward and upward. I am going to take a much more aggressive approach this cycle. I am going to drink green tea to maximize my CM, drink pomegranite juice to thicken my lining, and I just order OPK's from It WILL happen this month. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So I told my BFF we were TTC

But she is the only one. She has a four month old daughter, who also happens to be my goddaughter, and she CANNOT WAIT for me to be pregnant. She wants me to have a baby yesterday, I think! Well I was just on the phone with her and she asked if we had been trying and when am I going to take a test and to call her as soon as I'm pregnant. I am so happy that she is excited for me, but I am not looking forward to telling her if it doesn't happen this month. Her pregnancy was unplanned, and I'm fairly certain that she doesn't really understand that there is only a 20% chance of pregnancy each month. Now she is a super supportive friend that only want the best for me, I just hope I don't regret telling anyone.

Ebarrassing moment

So last night my husband and I were at the law library (our internet at home wasn't working) and I was using my laptop. Well I decided to go to to check out the ovulation predictor kits, just in case I'm not KU this cycle. So there I was, in the super quite law school library, when my computer absolutely SCREAMS "Welcome to!" I could have died right then and there. There are a few people at the Bowen School of Law that now know what's going on in my bedroom.....Oh well!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is it wrong..

...that I don't understand naming someone "Jr." And I don't necessarily mean you call them junior. I just mean, Robert Smith, Jr. Now I love my husband and I love his name, but I don't want two people in the same house with the same name. If we have a son, he will not share a name with his father. It just seems a little weird to me. Now having said that, I know that it has been done forever and ever and ever and blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm just saying that I don't get it. Sorry if that offends.

Someone stop me

It's like someone is putting a gun to my head, begging me to POAS. I need a valium to get through the 2WW! I almost caved on my lunch break. At 7dpo. Knowing full well that it will not show up as a positive this early. Let the madness begin.

Not for sure when I ovulated....

But I think I am either 6 or 7 days past ovulation. It's probably 6. So I am probably not even pregnant yet, if I'm going to be this cycle. I am hoping to hold out until 13DPO. Not sure if I will be able to make it. And I'm still looking for something to occupy my mind until then. Unfortunately, I have not found it yet.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Post Number 1

So I deleted my last blog and have decided to begin anew. Since my husband and I are currently entering a new phase in our lives, it seemed appropriate. I am currently in the 2 Week Wait of our first cycle TTC, although I have been charting for quite some time. I hope to use this blog to get out all of my frustrations of the TTC journey, and hopefully, continue on for all of the glorious adventures of pregnancy. My first order of business during this 2ww is to find a hobby to distract me from the fact that I can't test for another wekek. It is about to drive me absolutely INSANE. And I know that this is just the beginning of what could be many 2wws, but patience has never been my thing. And I won't be too crushed if it doesn't happen this month; I think I have prepared myself that it can take a while. But it's the 2ww that I cant handle. I would rather just know that it didn't work so that we can start again, you know? And I am pretty sure that I am already driving my husband insane with my impatience. Poor guy.